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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부
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교회명 남서울중앙교호ㅣ
설교자 피종진 목사
내용 "절망을 극복하라 는 것은 하나님의 명령이요 우리들에게 주신 신앙고백이다. 절망이라는 말은 실망, 좌절, 낙심, 고난에 빠지는것이다. 절망에 빠지는것은 이땅의 생존세계에는 따르는것이다. 첫째, 가난의 고통(생활고)에서 오는 절망을 극복 해야한다. 우리는 어떤 가난 속에서도 하나님께서 구출해 주시는것을 믿어야한다...... 신앙생활에서 가장 중요한것은 순종이다!
성경본문 욥기 5장14-21절

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
62 John Piper - Ephesians 1:3–6 // Part 1 // Studying the Bible as Worship file kim 2021.01.10
61 John Piper - Ephesians 1:19–23 // Part 5 // How Does the Church Fill All in All? file kim 2021.01.04
60 John Piper - Ephesians 1:19–23 // Part 1 // How Much Did It Take to Make You Believe? file kim 2020.12.27
59 John Piper - Ephesians 1:17–19 // Part 1 // Why Do We Pray to the Father of Glory? file kim 2020.12.13
58 John Hagee - Why Do You Worry? (Luke 23:42,43) file wgma 2022.03.04
57 John Hagee - There is No Hell? file wgma 2022.03.22
56 John Hagee - The Supreme Question file kim 2022.04.02
55 John Hagee - The Storm of Failure file kim 2022.02.08
54 John Hagee - The Priceless Provision Entering The Land file wgma 2022.03.14
53 John Hagee - The Love of God file wgma 2022.02.18
52 John Hagee - Rejection and Resentment (Proverbs18:14) file wgma 2022.03.09
51 John Hagee - Faith that Wins file wgma 2022.02.01
50 Jhon Pipper - The Second Coming: Wrath and Rescue file kim 2020.12.21
49 Jhon Pipper - Ephesians 2:4–7 // Part 8 // Salvation Is the Decisive Work of God file kim 2021.02.07
48 IN THE BROTHERHOOD BY FORGIVENESS-August 4,2019 Pastor Sutton file wgma 2019.08.04
47 IMPORTANCE OF FELLOWSHIP - September 1.2019- Pastor Sutton file wgma 2019.09.01
46 I Plead (Va’Etchannan) ואתחנן July 28, 2018 ~ Av 16, 5778 file kim 2018.08.04
45 HAPPINESS AND PEACE- Isaiah 26:3-4,7.Psalms1:Pastor Sutton file wgma 2019.03.10
44 GREATER: Greater Love : Pastor Dennis Rouse file kim 2020.09.12
43 GOOD WORKS -Eph. 2:8-10 Pastor Sutton file wgma 2019.08.18
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