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설교자 대표 장영출 목사
내용 날마다 죽는다는것은 이미 죽은것을 죽음에 넘기는것이다. 그러면 조금씩 조금씩 성품이 바뀌고 새생명으로 산다. 자주 섭섭한 사람은 생명으로 사는 사람이 아니다. 기독교는 생명을 교체하는것이지 도덕 윤리를 가르치는것이아니다. 기독교는 착한사람이 되는 멧세지가 아니다.
사람의 가르침은 사람을 변화 시킬수 없다!
성경본문 롬8장1절
필라델피아 특별 성회
장영출 목사

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
82 June 17, 2017 ~ Sivan 23, 5777 Send Thou (Shelach) שלח - Numbers 13:16 file kim 2017.06.24
81 June 10, 2017 ~ Sivan 16, 5777 When you set up (Beha’alot’cha) בהעלותך file kim 2017.06.16
80 July 1, 2017 ~ Tammus 7, 5777 Statute/Ordinance (Chukat) חוקת file kim 2017.07.05
79 JoyfulChurch [조지훈목사] file kim 2014.12.23
78 Jonathan Cahn Prophetic Announcement: The Return file kim 2020.04.06
77 Jonathan Cahn - The Passover Seder 2020 file kim 2020.04.13
76 John Piper's Challenging, 2017 Commencement Speech file kim 2017.06.07
75 John Piper | The Gospel-Shaped Mind file kim 2021.05.17
74 John Piper preaching at Passion 2017 file kim 2017.02.01
73 John Piper preaching at Passion 2017 file kim 2017.02.16
72 John Piper - The Second Coming: Wrath and Rescue file kim 2020.09.23
71 John Piper - The Second Coming: Not Before the ‘Man of Lawlessness file kim 2020.09.28
70 John Piper - The Second Coming: Not Before the Man of Lawlessness file kim 2020.06.01
69 John piper - The Providence of God (Part 1) file kim 2021.04.04
68 John Piper - The God of Holiness and Hope file kim 2017.05.20
67 John Piper - The Glory of God in the Sight of Eternity 고난중에 바라보는 하나님의 영광 file kim 2020.12.06
66 John Piper - Porch(Psalm 16) file kim 2017.08.10
65 John Piper - If My Words Abide in You - John Piper file kim 2021.05.03
64 John Piper - How to Get Wisdom: Become a Fool file kim 2021.04.21
63 John Piper - Grace for the New Year file kim 2021.01.24
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