God's Role in Regeneration거듭남에 있어서의 하나님의 역활 한국어 자막 [존 맥아더]

by kim posted Dec 02, 2014


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
Extra Form
설교자 Rev. John MacArthur
성경본문 John 3:1-10
내용 For this morning, I want you to open the Word of God to the third chapter of John, back to the third chapter of John and the opening ten verses. Now, you who have been with us the last couple of weeks know how important and critical this portion of Scripture is. You know something about it now that we've sort of penetrated it at least as far as verse 3. The good news, we'll finish all the way down to verse 10 this morning. I can't exactly tell you when but we will finish verse 10.


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