June 17, 2017 ~ Sivan 23, 5777 Send Thou (Shelach) שלח - Numbers 13:16

by kim posted Jun 24, 2017 Views 5032


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교회명 El Shaddai Ministries, us
설교자 Mark Biltz
내용 June 17, 2017 ~ Sivan 23, 5777 Send Thou (Shelach) שלח - Numbers 13:16,17 These are the names of the men which Moses sent to spy out the land. And Moses called Oshea the son of Nun Jehoshua. And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said to them, Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain: Numbers 13:1-3 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Send you men, that they may search the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel: of every tribe of their fathers shall you send a man, every one a ruler among them. And Moses by the commandment of the LORD sent them from the wilderness of Paran: all those men were heads of the children of Israel. to explore, to meander (causatively, guide) about, especially for trade
Deuteronomy 1:24 And they turned and went up into the mountain, and came unto the valley of Eshcol, and searched it out. to be a tale-bearer (i.e. slander); also to lead about:--backbite, ... For complete notes, audio and video downloads please see: http://elshaddaiministries.us
성경본문 Reading:
Num 13:1-15:41 ~ Josh 2:1-24 ~ Mark 10:1-45
Pastor: Mark Biltz
June 17, 2017 ~ Sivan 23, 
5777 Send Thou (Shelach) שלח 
 Numbers 13:16
