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October 17, 2017

Prayer Meeting for the Peace of Korea at the White House
Please Pray for the Peace of Korea

A crisis of war in the Korean Peninsula is happening now. Trump says “fire and fury,” “the calm before the storm.” North Korea says their missiles target Guam and will turn Seoul into a “sea of fire.” These are the U.S. and North Korean leaders fighting verbally, and they threaten war.

U.S. B-1B war bombers, nuclear submarines, and aircraft carriers came to the Korean seaboard and practiced military demonstrations. North Korea said they will respond to these actions with nuclear bombs. Military tensions rise with the possibility of war breaking out. Before Vietnam War, confrontation in the gulf of Tonkin resulted in an accidental clash and started the war. Many people died. There was no winner or loser, and only misery remained. Like this, threatening military demonstrations could start a war between the U.S. and North Korea. If the Korean War breaks out again, it will be a nuclear war that will bring far more disaster. And even if the North Korean regime changes and Korea were to unify as a result of war, devastation and suffering would remain.

There have been many diplomatic efforts and negotiations to make North Korea give up their nuclear bombs, but nothing has worked so far. Instead, North Korea has developed more powerful nuclear bombs. President Trump said only one thing will work with North Korea: military options. But is military effort really going to work?

There’s a saying that even a mouse that is cornered will attack the cat. If the U.S. attacks with military force, North Korea will attack the U.S. and South Korea. This is an obvious result. Military action means war, and war is not the solution. The United Nations’ diplomatic efforts and economic sanctions are not working, and military option is even more so not the solution. Nothing has worked so far and the situation has only gotten worse. So our only hope is to pray to the Almighty God. Pray for the peace of Korea. It may seem useless or ineffective to pray for the peace of Korea, but it is the safest and most effective way.

The collapses of Communist Russia and the Berlin Wall were not by sword or gun but by God, who is maker of history. If we repent and seek His mercy and grace, and pray for peace in the Korean Peninsula, God will hear our prayers and answer. Prayer is the solution.

I was born in South Korea and immigrated to the U.S. more than 30 years ago. Korea is my motherland, and America is my fatherland. If war breaks out in Korea, it will be like parents fighting and ruining my family. There are many people praying in intercession for the peace of Jerusalem, so there is peace in Jerusalem. Now we need intercessory prayers for the peace of Korea.

I am preparing for the prayer meeting at the White House. Korean and American pastors and missionaries will come together to pray for Korea. We will pray for America, for President Trump and Vice President Pence, and for the peace of Korea. We will send a message of peace to all. God said to King Solomon, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  So when God’s people pray, cry out, and seek His face, God will hear and will answer the North Korean crisis in His timing, in His way. I strongly believe that praying for the peace of Korea will save both Korea and the U.S. Please pray for the peace of Korea. 

Rev. Paul Pak, I Pray for America, President 


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