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교회명 VictoryATL
설교자 Dennis Rouse
내용 Future Church: Culture of Valuing Others
Change is inevitable. As the world around us moves and shifts, many of us are curious about what the future holds. When it comes to followers of Jesus, we want to know what’s next for the church, the body of Christ. How do we remain relevant? We have to stay in step with God, whose plans are to prosper us and not to harm us, to give us hope for what’s to come. In order to continue influencing people for God’s kingdom, we must confidently look to the One who never changes—placing our trust in His plans as we move forward into the future.
Dennis Rouse-Future Church (Part 3)
Culture of Valuing Others

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
922 Dennis Rouse - Future Church (Part 2): Next Generation Church file kim 2020.03.09
921 Mark Biltz - Saturday, March 7, 2020: Tetzaveh (You shall command) file kim 2020.03.09
920 윤사무엘 목사 - 참된 경건은 말씀을 행하는 것(약1장) file kim 2020.03.02
919 피종진목사 - 전염병은 하나님의 심판의 재앙이다 file kim 2020.03.02
918 고석희 목사 - 욥과 예수그리스도[1] (욥 40:10,42:5-6,요11:21-27) file kim 2020.03.02
917 박호종 목사 - 이날 이 시간의 의미 (행 8:1-4) file kim 2020.03.02
916 양병희 목사 - 인을 뗄 때마다 나타나는 징조 (요한계시록 6:5 ~ 8) file kim 2020.03.02
915 Dennis Rouse file kim 2020.03.02
914 mark biltz Saturday, February 29, 2020: Terumah (Heave Offering) file kim 2020.03.02
913 윤사무엘 목사 - 새 하늘과 새 땅을 바라보자(벧후 3장) file kim 2020.02.26
912 양병희 목사 -말의 위력 file kim 2020.02.17
911 최고센목사-저가 여호와를 구할 동안에는(대하 26:1-15) file kim 2020.02.17
910 김남수 목사-사망에서 생명으로(요한복음 5:17-24) file kim 2020.02.17
909 고석희 목사 - 성령의 생각으로 생각하라 [2] file kim 2020.02.17
908 김인식 목사 - [살전 5:16-18] 2020년 어떻게 살 것인가? file kim 2020.02.17
907 오명찬 목사 - 해와 달과 별을 만드시다. [창세기 1:14-19] file kim 2020.02.17
» Dennis Rouse-Future Church (Part 3): Culture of Valuing Others file kim 2020.02.17
905 Mark Biltz -Saturday, February 15, 2020: Yitro file kim 2020.02.17
904 피종진 목사 - 불 일 듯 일게 하라(3. 은사의 역사) file kim 2020.02.12
903 유에녹 목사 - 이렇게 기도하자 file kim 2020.02.12
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