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성경본문 Genesis 41:1-3 And it came to pass at the end of two full
years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and behold, he stood by the
river. And behold, there came up out of the river seven wellfavored cows and fat; and they fed in a meadow. And
behold, seven other cows came up after them out of the
river, ill-favored and skinny; and stood by the other cows on
the brink of the river.
Exodus 23:14-16 Three times you shall keep a feast to me in
the year. You shall keep the feast of unleavened bread: you
shall eat unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded
you, in the time appointed of the month Abib (Spring); for in it
you came out from Egypt: and none shall appear before me
empty: And the feast of harvest (Summer), the first fruits of
your labors, which you have sown in the field: and the feast of
ingathering (Fall), which is in the end of the year, when you
have gathered in your labors out of the field.
Mark Biltz - December 19, 2020 Miketz (From the End)

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
1122 양병희 목사 - 겨울 전에 어서 오라 file kim 2020.12.21
1121 Dr. Erez Soref - The Messiah is the purpose of the Torah file kim 2020.12.21
1120 박호종 목사 - 자기 전환에서 자기 성취까지(마 5:3~10) file kim 2020.12.21
1119 Jhon Pipper - The Second Coming: Wrath and Rescue file kim 2020.12.21
» Mark Biltz - December 19, 2020 Miketz (From the End) file kim 2020.12.21
1117 피종진 목사 - 믿음이 없고 패역한 세대(은사 χ´αρισμα(ⅤI)) file kim 2020.12.13
1116 변순복 교수 - 하나님앞에서 사는 삶 file kim 2020.12.13
1115 김삼성 목사 - 데살로니가전서 1장 1절 | 서론 - 팀으로 사역하라! file kim 2020.12.13
1114 오일석 선교사 3강 - 언약과 시즌 3강 file kim 2020.12.13
1113 김남수 목사 - 두번째 은혜(요나 3장 1절 - 10절) 김남수 목사 file kim 2020.12.13
1112 양병희 목사 - 돌이킬 수 없는 불행한 선택 file kim 2020.12.13
1111 박호종 목사 - 팔복 5. 거듭남의 결과 새로운 갈망(6절) (마5:3~10절) file kim 2020.12.13
1110 John Piper - Ephesians 1:17–19 // Part 1 // Why Do We Pray to the Father of Glory? file kim 2020.12.13
1109 Mark Biltz - December 12, 2020: Vayeshev (And He Dwelt) file kim 2020.12.13
1108 변순복 교수 [히브리 관점으로 성경 보기] What is The Bible? file kim 2020.12.06
1107 김삼성 목사 - 삶의 파트너가 중요합니다!(전도서 4장 9-12절) file kim 2020.12.06
1106 주민호 선교사 - 아브라함의 하나님, 나의 하나님(창12:1~4) file kim 2020.12.06
1105 김남수 목사 - 감사절 후 진정한 감사(시편 117편 1절 - 2절) file kim 2020.12.06
1104 양병희 목사 - 꿈을 품은 자가 미래의 주인공이다 file kim 2020.12.06
1103 박호종 목사 - 마지막 때의 부흥과 기도의 집 file kim 2020.12.06
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