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List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
42 Glorifying God by Bearing Fruit in Union with Christ - John Piper file kim 2017.03.22
41 Get Your Act Together - Psalms 119:59&60 - Pastor Sutton file wgma 2019.02.24
40 Generations (Toldot) תולדת, November 18, 2017 ~ Cheshvan 29, 2017 file kim 2017.11.23
39 Escaping the Fog of Triviality | john Piper 2021 file kim 2021.02.15
38 ENOUGH POWER June 9,2019 -Pastor Sutton file wgma 2019.06.09
37 Dr. Jhon Piper - If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it! file wgma 2022.01.24
36 Dr. Erez Soref - The Messiah is the purpose of the Torah file kim 2020.12.21
35 Dr. Erez Soref - The Calling of One Israel file kim 2021.01.04
34 Dr. Erez Soref - The Calling of One Israel file kim 2020.12.27
33 Dennis Rouse: Renovation (Part 5) Identity file kim 2020.05.27
32 Dennis Rouse. Future Church: Next Generation Church file kim 2020.02.09
31 Dennis Rouse-Future Church (Part 3): Culture of Valuing Others file kim 2020.02.17
30 Dennis Rouse - When You Pray (Part 5): Praying Through Crisis file kim 2020.03.22
29 Dennis Rouse - When You Pray (Part 5): Praying Through Crisis file kim 2020.03.29
28 Dennis Rouse - Future Church (Part 3): Culture of Valuing Others file kim 2020.03.16
27 Dennis Rouse - Future Church (Part 2): Next Generation Church file kim 2020.03.09
26 Dennis Rouse - Fearlessly Navigating Financial Crisis file kim 2020.06.01
25 Dennis Rouse file kim 2020.03.02
24 December 5, 2020: Vayishlach (And He Sent) file kim 2020.12.06
23 December 23, 2017 ~ Tevet 5, 5778, He approached (Vayigash) ויגש file kim 2017.12.25
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